Christy Robb Career and Lifestyle is a coaching service that partners with you to help you realize your ability to recalculate old assumptions about work and life in order to achieve mental and emotional freedom – and take action on your true desires.
What are your assumptions? – Work has to be drudgery. I’m too invested in one direction to make a change. I don’t have time to explore. I don’t know how to network. I’m too shy to network. I don’t have the energy for a job search. Work is done from 8am to 5pm every weekday in an office at a desk. I’ve been out of work for too long. I can’t risk my steady income. I can’t achieve the lifestyle I really want. I’m not adventurous. The lifestyle I want is too easy – I haven’t earned it yet. Others will disapprove of my dreams. This is just what adults have to do before they can retire and play. What I want is crazy . I don’t have any real interests. No one will hire me. I’m stuck.
Today’s world of work is changing rapidly
increasing advancements in technology – ever present global economy – opportunities, not jobs
Customize your life
your unique goals and nature – learn resilience – make transitions – present yourself competitively
Check out Career & Lifestyle Online Services for a description of coaching services offered